About Us Tendering Process in Venezuela

Tendering process in Venezuela

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela does Global Tendering from time to time for supply of goods, services and other works. The participation in these Tenders is open to all, including the Indian companies. The detailed information in this regard is available on the website of the National Service of Contractors: http://evaluacion.snc.gob.ve:8080/llamados/vistas/publicaciones/consulta.faces. The information is available in Spanish only. In order to access the available Tenders, the following steps may be followed:

2. Click on the tab “TODOS LOS ENTES U ORGANISMOS” (all entities and organisms) to either see all the institutions of the government or select a specific one from the drop down menu.

3. Click on the tab labeled as TODOS LOS CONCURSOS (
all tenders) and select CONCURSO ABIERTO ANUNCIADO INTERNACIONALMENTE (Open Competition Announced Internationally) and then click CONSULTAR (see).

4. Tabs labeled as TODAS LAS ACTIVIDADES (all activities –Goods, Services or Works can be chosen from-), TODOS LOS ESTADOS (all states within Venezuela), and MES DE INICIO (starting month), are useful for filtering the preferences of the interested parties.

5. After filtering the tender preferences, a list will be shown with the available tenders according to the selection. The list is organized by columns: ACTIVIDAD (activity), No. PROCESO (number of the process), FECHA DE INICIO (starting date), DENOMINACION DE PROCESO (title of the tender), ENTE U ORGANISMO (contracting party). 

6. The last column will show a green arrow for opening a PDF file with the notice of the tender.

7. It may be noted that even those companies which do not have any office, branch or registration in Venezuela, can participate in the global tenders. If the tender is awarded, the companies would need to be registered with the assistance of the Venezuelan authorities.

8. For further assistance and Information on how to place bids on the available global tenders in Venezuela, please contact Mr. Omar Molina Fereira, Marketing Assistant of Embassy of India, Caracas, through telephone +58 212 2857887 or via email: comercial[at]embindia[dot]org.