Embassy of India
No. CAR/ADM/867/01/2021 01July 2021
Notice Inviting Tender
Name of work: Invitation of competitive bids for AMC forcleaning of Chancery Premises atLaFloresta, Caracasw.e.f 01.08.2021 to 31.07.2023 (2 years).
Embassy of India in Caracas invites competitive bids from reputed and experienced firms, Partnership firm, Limited Company for Annual Maintenance Contract for professional cleaning of office premises at Quinta Tagore No.12, Avenida San Carlos, La Floresta, Caracas.
2. Interested parties may visit the site for assessment of the job and to formulate their quotation by taking prior appointment with the Embassy of India, Caracas. The pre-bid site visits can be arranged on 07.07.2021 at 1000-1530 hrs.
3. The NIT containing eligibility criteria, scope of work, terms and conditions can be accessed on website of Central Public Procurement Portal (ePublishing) at https://www.eprocure.gov.in/epublish/app or website of Embassy of India, Caracas www.eoi.caracas.mea.gov.in
4. The interested agencies/firms are requested to submit their competitive bids in two separate sealed envelopes and addressed to Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, Caracasat Quinta Tagore No.12, Avenida San Carlos, La Floresta, Caracas-1060A on or before30.07.2021 by 1200 hours and tender would be opened on 02.08.2021 at 1100hrs.
5. The bids will be accepted only upon verification and fulfillment of the eligibility criteria mentioned in the tender document. The Embassy is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to partially accept or reject any or all the tender(s) or part thereof, without assigning any reasons.
(Subrata Maity)
Head of Chancery
Embassy of India, Caracas
Phone: (58-212) 285 7887/ 285 3806
E-mail: hoc.caracas@mea.gov.in
Embassy of India
The eligibility criteria, scope of work and terms and conditions for AMC for cleaning of Chancery Premises will be as follows:-
A. Eligibility Criteria:The bidder should furnish the following along with the documents:
(i) Numbers of places where working at present and number of cleaners working with the agency;
(ii) The housekeeping Agency should have been in existence for notless than three years;
(iii) The agency should not have been blacklisted since inception;
(iv) Cleaning experience of notless than five years will be preferred;
(v) Cleaning agency should have proper registrationwith the concerned Government authorities; and
(vi) The agency should provide two cleaning staff to work in the Chancery - Monday to Friday from 0730 AM to 0330 PM per day with half-an-hourlunch break.
B. Scope of Work:
(i) Cleaning services at the Chancery premises at the above address consisting of an area of around 1⁄2 of an acre which include 15 office rooms, Reception, 2 halls, hallway/corridors, 5 toilets and lavatories both gents and ladies located in office building at Embassy of India, Caracas;
(ii) The scope will also include proper collection/disposal of the garbage/waste/dirt material in the 5 working days as per the procedures of the local authority;
(iii) Cleaning of window panel once a month. Sweeping of office garage and open space within the office boundary. Vacuum cleaning of carpeted area in offices twice in a week /cleaning of common area, two entrance gatesincluding area having signboard of Chanceryand any other place within the premises.And, cleaning of drainage of Chancery twice in a week;
(iv) The agency needs to use its own cleaning materials required for the purpose and to supply tissues and hand wash liquids in the bath rooms in enough quantity; and
(v) Cleaning should be done in weekends/holidays, too, ifrequired.
C. Specific Terms and Conditions:
(i) The agency should provide at least two experienced cleaning staffshaving proper identity documents issued by government authorities;
(ii) The cleaning staff should be provided proper working uniforms to beworn during working hours;
(iii) In case any cleaner is absent, the company may provide substitute forhim otherwise proportionate deductions will be made from themonthly payment;
(iv) The consulate will not be responsible for any dues other than agreedcontract amount for cleaning services. The staffs would not have anyclaim for regularization of their services or enhancement of wageswith the Chancery;
(v) The contract amount, once agreed to by the firm agency would not beincreased during the period of contract;
(vi) The Chancery reserves the right to terminate the contract with onemonth's notice in case the services rendered are not satisfactory;
(vii) The agency would be fully responsible for all acts of omission ornegligence,dishonesty or misconduct of its staffs during working atChancery;
(viii) No advance payment will be made. Payment will be made in thebeginning of next month upon satisfactory completion of the work; and
(ix) The agency would be responsible to discharge all the statutoryrequirements under the Labour Act or any other Acts enforceablefrom time to time by the Government of Venezuela without any liabilityon Embassy of India, Caracas.
Embassy of India
Tenders are invited for hiring a reputed and well established cleaning agency for regular cleaning of Chancery premises at Embassy of India, Caracas for the period from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2024 (3 years). The bids should be in two parts and include the points indicated under each category of the bids:
First - Technical Bid
Second - Financial Bid
Name of the agency proposed to be deployed.
Thebreakup of costs for providing AMC for cleaning services for one year from date of commencement extendable for two more
years on yearly basis (total period not exceeding three years) subject to condition
of providing satisfactory service.
Embassy working hours are Monday to Friday
from 0800 hrs. to 1630 hrs. The number of man
hours are required two for cleaning to keepthe entire
officespick and span and hygienic accordingly.
Rate per month may be mentioned in
US$ only.
Work experience certificate with a recent photograph
of the proposed cleaning agency to be deployed.
EMD / Bid Security Amount – Not applicable
A list of cleaning materials to be supplied by the
Payments Mode – whether by cheque
or bank transfer at the end of the month
on submission of invoice.
Validity of the offer should be clearly indicated in
the bid.
Bid should be excluding VAT/Tax
Social security, bonus and other allowances
etc. admissible to the cleaning staffs as per local
laws shouldbe borne by the cleaning agency and
included inthe quoted price. Embassy of India,
Caracas will notbe responsible for any such payments
in anycircumstance.
Embassy of India
The performance Guarantee would remain valid for entire duration of the contract.
Declaration bv the Tenderer:
This is to certify that I/we before signing this tender have read and fully understood all the terms and conditions contained herein and undertake myself/ourselves to abide by them.
(Signature of the authorizes signatory of the Tenderer
with seal of the agency)
Phone & Mobile No:_________________