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Celebration of 60th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between India and Venezuela

Posted on: December 19, 2019 | Back | Print

Celebration of 60th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between India and Venezuela

Embassy of India, Caracas along with the Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs, Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuelaorganized the celebrations of the 60thanniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Venezuelaon 16th December 2019 at Casa Amarilla, Caracas.

2. The ceremony started with lighting of the Indian traditional lamp by Cd'A and the ViceMinister for Asia, Middle East and Oceania, H.E. Mr.  Rubén Darío Molina. In his address, Cd'Athanked everyone for participating in the event and informed about the multifaceted developments in the bilateral ties between the two countries in the past 60 years. Vice Minister, H.E. Mr. Molinawelcomed the gathering and highlighted the importance of bilateral relations and mutual respect between both the nations. He appreciated the various activities organized by Embassy of India, Caracas in Venezuela.

3. To commemorate the occasion, a photographic exhibition on the diplomatic relationships between India and Venezuela was inaugurated. The exhibition would be displayed for a week alongwith the photographs on the inspiring life of Mahatma Gandhi to mark his 150th Birth Anniversary.

4. The audience were enamoured by the spectacular Indian music and dance performances by the local artists. A Venezuelan cultural group played the spellbinding Venezuelan folk songs.

5. Indian and Venezuelan refreshments, that followed, were enjoyed by more than 150 people including Venezuelan Government officers, members of diplomatic corps, Indian Diaspora and friends of India.


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