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Visit of British School to Embassy

Posted on: February 21, 2020 | Back | Print

Visit of British School to Embassy


On 19 February 2020, Cd’A welcomed a group of students between the ages 7-8, from the British School Caracas at the Embassy of India premises. He apprised them of some facts about India and took their questions.

2.         He informed them about Mahatma Gandhi and his inspiring life. Videos on “Does Gandhi Matter?”, “Bapu @150” and the “Vaishnav Jan To fusion” were projected for the children. A booklet on the Social Thought of Mahatma Gandhi was given to each one of the students. A copy of the book “The Story of My Experiments With Truth” was gifted to the school.

3.         Cd’A also mentioned to them salient features of the Indian Constitution and a short video on “Spirit of Freedom” was played.

4.         The children were offered light Indian snacks in the end.

20 February 2020

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