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Flag Hoisting Ceremony on the occasion of 72nd Republic Day

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Flag hoisting ceremony on the occasion of 72nd Republic Day

Embassy of India, Caracas celebrated the 72nd Republic Day of India at the Embassy Residence in a very restrained manner. Ambassador unfurled the tri-colour at 1000 hours today and read out the excerpts of HonourableRashtrapatiji's address to the nation on the eve of the Republic Day. Thereafter, two cultural performances of Odissi dance &Tabla with classical music presented by local artists.Indian Dress Competition was also organised and the winnerswere distributed prizes. Indian refreshments were served to the attendees. The event concluded with a group photograph. During the event, all Covid-19 SOPs were strictly adhered to by all the participants.

A short video of the flag hoisting ceremony is available at:


26 January 2021

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