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The Indo-Pacific Business Summit, 6-8 June, 2021

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The Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, is supporting the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in organizing the first Indo-Pacific Business Summit from 06-08 July 2021 over a virtual platform. The Summit’s webpage can be accessed at: http://www.indopacificsummit.com/.


The Summit provides a platform for decision-makers from Indo-Pacific countries to meet anddiscuss with business leaders and policy makers; highlight the role of the states as the drivers ofgrowth and partnership with countries from the Indo-Pacific region; identify and showcaseopportunities for investment and partnerships by Indo-Pacific companies; identify sector-specificopportunities to increase trade and bring stakeholders on a single platform; enable B2B meetingswith sectoral focus, matching the requirements of businesses from the Indo-Pacific region withIndian companies and vice-versa; and, promoting business collaborations and facilitatingtechnology transfers. The sectoral focus of the summit includes clean energy, physical and digitalconnectivity, development of robust supply chains, start-ups, healthcare, skilling, and climatechange and blue economy, among others.


The business community of Venezuela is invited to participate in the Summit or its relevant sessions. Register is available at: https://www.ciihive.in/SignUp.aspx?EventId=INDPACIFIC.


External Affairs Minister of India, Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar keynote address to the Inaugural Session and Commerce and Industry Minister, Shri Piyush Goyal’s address to the Special Plenary with Trade Ministers of the Region are highlights of the Business Summit.


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