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Celebrations of ITEC Day 2018

Posted on: October 29, 2018 | Back | Print

Celebrations of ITEC Day 2018



1. To mark the celebrations of ITEC Day 2018, Ambassador of India to Venezuela H.E. Mr. Rajiv Kumar Nagpal held a reception at his residence on October 26, 2018.

2. The ceremony took off with lighting of the traditional lamp by Ambassador of India to Venezuela, H.E. Mr. Rajiv Kumar Nagpal, Ms. Nagpal and Venezuelan Vice Minister for Promotion of Cultural Economy, Ministry of Culture, H.E. Mr. Jesus Perez. In his address, Ambassador gave the guests an idea about ITEC Programme and encouraged them to promote ITEC in each and every corner of Venezuela.

3. The Chief Guest, Vice Minister for the Promotion of Cultural Economy, Ministry of Culture, Government of Venezuela, H.E. Mr. Jesus Perez thanked Ambassador for his kind invitation and congratulated the Venezuelans for their participation in this programme.  

4. Four ITEC students also addressed the gathering to share their Indian experience, how this programme helped them to improve their professional skills and gave them the opportunity to meet ‘Incredible India’.


5. Second Secretary (HOC) delivered the vote of thanks, after which the participants enjoyed an energetic Bollywood dance performance by local group Tatiana Fragiel Productions.


6. Indian dinner was served and enjoyed by around 120 guests from Venezuelan Government, ITEC scholars, Indian community and friends of India, who attended the event.



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