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Indian pavilion at International Tourism Fair of Venezuela (FITVEN) - 2018

Posted on: November 28, 2018 | Back | Print

Indian pavilion at International Tourism Fair of Venezuela (FITVEN) - 2018


          Embassy of India participated in the International Tourism Fair of Venezuela (FITVEN) - 2018 from 22-26 November 2018. An exhibition on the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, back drop depicting the Statue of Unity, books on Indian culture, tourism, yoga etc, screening of Incredible India & Mahatma Gandhi's Videos and Tika with gulal to showcase Indian festival Holi were the main highlights of the Indian stand.


2.       The fair provided an opportunity for interactions with the entrepreneurs, because of which around 25 businessmen approached the Indian stand to obtain information on different products of exports and imports from and to India. The media personnel visiting the stand were informed about the rich Indian culture besides its  the Trade and Commerce potential duly specifying the jump recorded by India from 2014 to 2018 in recently issued 'Doing Business
Report' of World Bank by Second Secretary (Commerce&PIC) of the Mission.


3.       Around 15,000-20,000 people including many Ministers, Governors and high ranking officials of Government of Venezuela visited the Indian pavilion. The Indian articles and displays were highly appreciated by them. Embassy of India also contributed 03 Indian dance and 01 Indian musical performances by the local Venezuelan groups besides arranging a Yoga session by the teacher of Indian culture.


4.       The Indian stand and cultural activities were a huge success in the fair.



November 27, 2018

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